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      Pálás Cinema to close in February 2025

      It is with deep regret that after seven years of trading, Pálás will be closing its doors at the end of February 2025.

      To many, Pálás is more than just a cinema and we have loved being a part of the community. We are so proud of our incredible team, the partnerships we have forged and the loyal audience we have fostered for Irish, arthouse and independent films in Galway.

      We have worked hard to avoid this outcome but the stark reality is rising costs and the oversaturation of the Galway cinema market have made continued trading unviable, and we have taken the difficult decision to withdraw from the business.

      We intend to provide the best possible filmgoing experience until we close our doors and we look forward to welcoming audiences until then.

      We are forever grateful for all of the love and support you have shown us over the last seven years.

      Go raibh maith agaibh as bhur dtacaíocht leanúnach ar feadh na mblianta.

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