JFF: Mondays: See You ‘This’ WeekCLUB 18+83 min
Director: Ryo Takebayashi
Starring:Wan Marui, Makita Sports, Osamura Koki, Mikawa Yugo
Akemi and her colleagues wake up in their office one Monday morning after pulling an all - nighter to work on a major project. The team endures a week from hell as they try to push the project over the line. As another week dawns, Akemi is hit with an overwh elming sense of deja vu. Two co - workers approach her and inform her the whole team is actually stuck in a seven - day time loop. Convincing the others and breaking the loop will be no easy task... Mondays is a playful, high - energy workplace satire that’s as ch arming as it is funny.